Product Description
Did you know that every time you send a parcel, large or small, Knit-a-square incurs a mandatory handling fee of $3.75 US, charged by the South African Customs and Excise?
Your purchase of this item each time you mail a parcel will offset Ronda’s costs.
These recently imposed charges are adding greatly to the cost of running Knit-a-square each month. Whether you send 10 squares or 100 squares, the cost to Ronda is the same.
We suggest that you save up your squares and other items until you have at least 2kg (or whatever weight is the most economical for you to send) so you can mail less often. If possible, include as part of your mailing the purchase of one Pay the Customs Handling Fee item. This is a win-win: by mailing less often, we save on postage and by paying the customs duties in advance, Knit-a-square can retrieve your parcel without delay.
NOTE: When mailing a package, it is critical to put BONA FIDE GIFT FOR CHARITY, NO COMMERCIAL VALUE on your parcel and a declared value of $0 on your Customs Slip so KAS doesn't incur additional postage fees.
All prices are in US Dollars.
Product Condition
Product Code